Catalogue of paintings by the artist Maria Kapshay-Goroshko

In this section of my site, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the original works that can be purchased
The white swan
The white swan
Dubai as a Big fish
Dubai as a Big fish
The undying love
The undying love
Face-to-face with the Nature
Face-to-face with the Nature
Good morning!
Good morning!
Union of the two worlds
Union of the two worlds
The childhood
The childhood
Still-life painting with a sparrow
Still-life painting with a sparrow
The illusion of partnership
The illusion of partnership
The teenager
The teenager
The priceless person
The priceless person
The Creator
The Creator
Major issues of the little being
Major issues of the little being
That's all mine!
That's all mine!
The abduction of Europe
The abduction of Europe
The temptation
The temptation
Stop! Show your pass!
Stop! Show your pass!
The serenity
The serenity
The Muscovite
The Muscovite